Welcome new parents and rowers! If attending your athlete’s regatta is a new experience for you, we’d like to provide some guidance on what to bring to a regatta. We hope that you will find it helpful.
Most importantly, be prepared for unpredictable weather. In the spring and fall, anything can happen! Check your favorite weather resources before leaving home to make sure you are prepared and comfortable for any situation. There’s nothing more uncomfortable than sitting on the side of a river freezing to death! Throw in an extra jacket, blanket and hat even if you don’t think you’ll need it…someone else might.
Allow plenty of time to get to the venue and to park, especially if it is your first time to the venue. Parking is often off-site (think shuttle bus) or a long walk. Be prepared! It’s either dusty or muddy so wear appropriate shoes.
Knowing what to pack for a regatta can be stressful. You can literally experience 4 seasons in one day so you want to pack and plan for all cases. Better to overpack and be prepared than to get caught out in the rain without an umbrella! We have put together a list of suggested items for parents to pack (or check for) in your rowers regatta bag. This is by all means not all inclusive, but the minimum that you rower will need for the day.

GB Tank
GB Tech Shirt
GB Shorts
GB uni (if required)
Black Spandex (long also recommended, but not required)
Outerwear (GB/Grassfield Gore-tex, GB/Grassfield sweatshirt, Black or Club Rain Pants)
Knit Hat
Extra Socks
Extra Shoes (No flip flops)
Garbage bag or grocery bag for wet clothes
Deodorant and any bathroom items necessary.

Packing for Parents
Packing for parents is more inclusive of all the normal things you will need throughout the day. Please feel free to bring anything you need to get by in addition to what we have listed below!
Multiple layers of clothes/gloves
bug spray
phone charger
hand sanitizer
extra socks/shoes
towel/blankets (it can get cold and wet!)
Hat for both warm and cold weather
Umbrellas/rain coats/boots
Cash for Parking
a book to read or a deck of cards or things to do. (It will be a long day.)
If you have a wagon, you will want to bring it. hauling all of your gear from the car down to the site can often be a decent walk and you won't want to have to carry it all down and back.
Check out how to read a regatta lineup here